Sunday, September 2, 2007


Just recently attended a press conference sponsored by Greenpeace etc. as part of their continuing campaign against the ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement. The meaty part of the discussion pertained to the unresponsiveness of Japan regarding the toxic waste provision.

It seems that in order to enjoy the supposedly gazillion economic benefits out of this agreement, RP merely has to contend with the "inconvenience" of being Japan's toxic waste dumping ground. And Japan remains firm over this issue--for them, it's either take it or leave it. Seems RP is left with no choice and no bargaining power at all.

Well, for now it's up to the Senate to decide. Let's just hope they won't see this mainly as a political issue because the main concern here is the health of our people and the safety of the Philippine environment. Let not our sovereignty be violated by another country's unwanted and hazardous garbage! Can't we have the economic package sans the toxic wastes? Let's see if our esteemed public leaders could work this out...

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